We get it – approaching new people and being in a bar where everyone is single can feel daunting. It’s new territory for many of us, especially after relying on dating apps for so long. Stepping outside your comfort zone can be nerve-wracking, but remember, everyone here is in the same boat. We’re all here for the same reason: to connect with new people in real life. Just know that you’re not alone in this experience. It’s a fresh start for everyone, and it’s okay to feel a little nervous – it just means something exciting is about to happen!

Whether you’re here to meet ‘the one,’ make new friends, or just have fun, our events are all about creating safe, exciting, and memorable experiences for everyone. Follow these 10 guidelines to ensure you have an amazing time while respecting others:

1. Respect Everyone’s Space
Introduce yourself with confidence, but always be mindful of personal boundaries. A warm smile and polite conversation go a long way—just be sure to respect people’s comfort levels.

2. No Pressure, No Problem
Thursday is about opportunity, not obligation. If someone isn’t interested, that’s perfectly okay. Politely move on and introduce yourself to others. There’s a whole room full of amazing people waiting to meet you!

3. Be Safe & Look Out for Others
Your safety and well-being are our top priority. Always listen to your instincts and look out for fellow attendees. If you or someone else needs assistance, don’t hesitate to notify event staff.

4. Confident Conversations Only
Approach every introduction with confidence and a positive attitude. A simple “hello”  or “hey, is this your first Thursday event” could be the start of a great friendship or something more. Just remember, confidence doesn’t mean entitlement.

5. It’s Not Just About ‘The One’
These events are a chance to connect on many levels. Whether you’re here for a casual fling, a potential romance, or even a new friend, keep an open mind. You never know where the night will take you!

6. Politeness is Powerful
It’s totally cool to tell someone you’re not interested – just do it with kindness. A respectful “thanks, but I’m going to continue meeting others and introduce myself to the rest of the room” is the perfect way to move on gracefully.

7. Celebrate Diversity
We’re all here for different reasons, from different backgrounds, and with unique stories. Embrace the diversity in the room and approach every conversation with curiosity and respect.

8. Have Fun & Be Yourself
There’s no need for pretenses. The best connections happen when you’re relaxed and being your true self. So, let loose, enjoy the atmosphere, and have a great time being YOU.

9. Take the Lead, Respectfully
Feel free to initiate conversations, but always be mindful of their responses. If they’re not feeling it, gracefully step back and keep the energy positive.

10. Create a Safe Environment for All
We want Thursday to be a welcoming place for everyone. Any form of harassment or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated. Treat others the way you’d like to be treated – this is a space for mutual respect, kindness, and ultimately we’re all here to have fun!

Remember: Thursday events is about more than just dating – it’s about creating connections and experiences. So, get out there, make introductions, and see where the night takes you!

Our mission is to empower you to feel confident in real life – whether that’s sparking a meaningful conversation, meeting new people, or simply stepping out of your comfort zone. We believe that connections happen when we’re present, genuine, and open to the unexpected. By creating safe, fun, and welcoming spaces. No matter your goal for the night, we’re here to support you in making the most of every opportunity. 💙

With Love,